UX Design Process

UX Design Process
There are many processes, with lot's of different steps. What I've tried to is describe a minimum viable set of steps that seem to map well to most everything I do in the UX space. They are, hypothesize, design, implement, evaluate.
I originally had three steps, design, implement and evaluate. However, I realized that you need to have an initial hypothesis - an initial assumption to change the design domain in some beneficial way. Anyway, I'm not super atached to it. Perhaps design, implement and evaluate are conceptually cleaner?
This is not necessarity UX design, you may be designing an ethnographic study to validate some hypothisis on what particular issues a customer has.
Similarly with design, implement doesn't necessarily mean implementing the final product. You may be implementing a prototype to fascilitate a usability study or customer visit.

Every artifact that is produced needs to be evaluated, either implicity, subjectively, or through more objective methods.
No design occurs in a vacuum. There are contstraints placed on the process. Contraints aren't always a bad thing, the can make the design process less complex as the can reduce the number of potention options. Example contstraints include:
- Business - requirements, resources, schedule
- Technology - limitations, features
- UX - patterns, style, users, existing product

Work = Force x Displacement
Usability = f(Effectiveness, Efficiency) (Satisfaction)
Usability = f(The Right Thing, Designed Right)